John Baer: From the Bonny Group of tomatoes that includes Bonny Best, John Baer and Chalk Jewel. Bright red, meaty, smooth fruits with very good flavor. Great for fresh eating and canning, heavy producer. 70 days from transplant. CERTIFIED ORGANIC
Mountain Princess: HEIRLOOM Mountain sweet goodness. Grown for generations in the Monongahela National Forest regions of West Virginia. 8-10 oz fruits are orange-red and perfectly round with a mild tomato flavor. Very productive plants bear quick and early. Works well in containers too. Determinate.
Days to maturity: 68 days
Soldacki: HEIRLOOM Great heirloom flavor! Originally from Poland. Cherry-red beefstake fruits average up to a pound. A meaty potato-leafed variety with sweet tomato flavor. Indeterminate.
Glacier: Our earliest tomato and darn good flavor too! Produces high yields of small 2-3 oz orange-red salad tomatoes. Flavor is greatly superior to other extra-early varieties, winning all early-season taste tests. Sets fruit at 4” tall and keeps producing all season long. Great for the small garden or containers. Semi-determinate potato-leaf variety.
Days to maturity: 55 days
I purchased the John Baer seed from Seed Savers, and the others from High Mowing Seeds, all for 2009. I didn't notice that a couple of these are determinate, which means they won't just keep growing like the indeterminate types. I don't know how tall they will get.
March 20 (6 weeks prior to last freeze): Planted in peat pots in Mel's mix (peat, vermiculite and compost). Planted five of each variety.
March 27: Seedlings started coming up.
April 4: Transplanted four of each variety into four-inch pots with Mel's mix.
Hooray! My favorite part of the garden!
ReplyDeleteMmm... I love it all. I think the various kinds of squash are my favorite though. Too bad the rest of my family disagrees.