Tuesday, June 16, 2009

2009-06-16 First Broccoli and Zucchini!

Four-and-a-half months after planting, I cut the first head of broccoli today! It was unlike any of the garbage the supermarkets have, a deep green color, and very tender after just a couple of minutes of steaming.

I'm amazed at how big the plants are. Here's Xander standing next to them:

I also took the first zucchini and hope to get peas pretty soon. The peas are just reaching the top of the trellis and the first pods appeared late last week.

Not much to write about. It has been raining often enough that I have only watered once or twice in the last month. Unfortunately, that means the weeds have been getting plenty of water, too. The nice thing about growing this way is that there isn't much to do once the boxes are put together, just a little weeding and watering. Go garden!

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